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A Successful First Preliminary Partner Meet - Fostering Collaboration Across Europe


Welcome to our blog post about the first preliminary partner meeting of the S.P.Q.R project! The S.P.Q.R project, with project number 2022-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000086480, is funded by the prestigious Erasmus+ program. It aims to create a platform for collaboration among educational institutions across Europe. In this blog post, we'll take you through the highlights of the online meeting, where partners had the opportunity to meet, introduce themselves, and discuss the logistics of the upcoming activities.

Embracing the Virtual Space:

In an era where the global pandemic has brought significant challenges to in-person gatherings, the S.P.Q.R project team successfully organized their first partner meeting online. Educational institutions from various European countries gathered virtually, transcending geographical barriers and fostering international collaboration right from the start.

Getting to Know Each Other:

The meeting commenced with warm greetings and introductions from each partner organization. Participants had the chance to share their background, expertise, and passion for education. It was truly inspiring to witness the diverse array of institutions, each with unique experiences and knowledge, coming together with a common goal - to enhance education and create a positive impact on the learners' lives.

Discussion on Logistics:

As the project aims to achieve various objectives, efficient planning and coordination are crucial. The meeting focused on discussing the logistics of the upcoming activities, tasks, and milestones. Partners exchanged ideas and best practices on how to overcome potential challenges and ensure a smooth execution of the project. Collaboration tools and communication channels were also explored to foster effective cooperation.

Gantt Chart Overview:

To facilitate project management and provide a visual representation of the timeline, the partners went over the Gantt chart. This detailed overview showcased the project's key phases, tasks, and their respective deadlines. With a clear understanding of the project's timeline, all partners gained a sense of direction and commitment to meeting their responsibilities promptly.

Scheduling the First TPM Meeting:

One of the essential outcomes of the preliminary partner meeting was the successful scheduling of the first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM). The TPM holds significant importance as it provides a chance for partners to meet in person, solidify their relationships, and work together on specific project aspects. It was decided that the TPM would take place in the picturesque city of Vac, Hungary. The selected date was carefully chosen to accommodate all partners, ensuring maximum attendance and participation.


The first preliminary partner meeting for the S.P.Q.R project proved to be an important milestone in fostering collaboration among educational institutions across Europe. Despite the challenges of virtual meetings, the participants exhibited enthusiasm and dedication to achieving the project's goals. The meeting provided a platform for partners to know each other, plan ahead, and set the stage for a successful project implementation. As the project progresses, we look forward to witnessing the positive impact it will have on education and the opportunities it will create for learners all over Europe.

The Erasmus+ program continues to support initiatives like S.P.Q.R, promoting cross-border cooperation and making a lasting difference in education. Stay tuned for more updates on the progress of the S.P.Q.R project and the remarkable outcomes it will bring in the future. Together, let's embrace the spirit of collaboration and drive positive change in the world of education!



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